
Blog (page 4)


man on laptop

How to be More Productive When Working

By hubeditor | September 20, 2023
There’s no denying that maintaining high levels of productivity throughout the day can be challenging. In fact, the battle to stay productive has led to many professionals relying on caffeine and other stimulants to get them through their hectic workdays,…
business people talking

6 Ways Circle Hub Can Take Your Business to the Next Level

By hubeditor | September 15, 2023
Whether you’re an entrepreneur who wants to stop working from home or you run an established company and need a new base, coworking spaces have been providing the perfect solution for businesses all over the world. Because of this, they’re…
young woman working

The Benefits of Coworking: Why Professionals Are Embracing Shared Workspaces

By hubeditor | August 30, 2023
Coworking spaces are now more popular than ever. In fact, there are over 19,000 of them dotted around the world, with projections showing that this figure could double by the end of 2024.  Why are so many professionals being drawn…
people connecting

Creating Connections: How Coworking Spaces Foster Collaboration and Networking

By hubeditor | August 20, 2023
Did you know that 80% of professionals attribute networking to success and satisfaction in their careers? It’s easy to see why this is. Networking not only improves a business’ visibility and reputation but it also helps to establish a stronger…
woman on laptop and phone

Hot Desking: The Flexible Solution for Modern Professionals

By hubeditor | August 15, 2023
Hot desking is a concept that has recently been revolutionizing the modern-day workplace. Offering the utmost in flexibility and adaptability, professionals all over the globe have been embracing hot desking, attracted to how this easy way of working is capable…
young professionals

Maximizing Productivity in a Shared Environment: Strategies for Successful Coworking

By hubeditor | July 30, 2023
Coworking spaces are becoming increasingly popular, and one of the reasons for this is because of how the majority of people find that their productivity seems to soar when they work in a shared environment. If you would like to…
people high fiving

Beyond the Office: Exploring the Social Aspect of Coworking Spaces

By hubeditor | July 20, 2023
When coworking spaces first appeared, their main goal was to provide an office alternative. They were primarily aimed at freelancers and startups, giving these groups a quiet yet professional space to work in. However, as the years progressed, the social…
man at hot desk

Hot Desking 101: A Guide to Making the Most of Your Flexible Workspace

By hubeditor | July 15, 2023
Hot desking offers the utmost in flexibility. It enables you to turn up to your coworking space whenever you want and simply grab an available desk. No booking or long-term commitments are required. At the same time, you’ll also be…
coworking space

The Perks of Coworking: Why Professionals Are Embracing Shared Workspaces

By hubeditor | June 30, 2023
Although it began as a trend, coworking spaces are now ruling the roost. These shared workspaces are used by millions of people all around the world, from part-time freelancers to corporate executives. They’ve revolutionized the way in which people view…
woman walking hallway

Coworking and Entrepreneurship: Launching and Scaling Startups in Shared Environments

By hubeditor | June 20, 2023
More and more entrepreneurs are now choosing to launch their startups from a coworking space. It’s a growing trend that shows no signs of slowing down, with an increasing number of startups recognizing just how advantageous it can be to…


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