
Blog (page 2)



What’s One of the Downsides to a Coworking Space For Freelancers?

By hubeditor | April 15, 2024
Coworking spaces have really taken off in recent years, with more and more freelancers signing up for this working model. It offers some very distinct advantages, making it no surprise that the popularity of coworking has been soaring. If this…
professionals on laptop

This is the Best Part About a Coworking Space

By hubeditor | March 30, 2024
A coworking space can be beneficial to professionals in so many different ways. However, ask around and you’ll find one thing in particular that people tend to appreciate the most; the flexibility that comes from working from a coworking space.…
coworkers talking

8 Things Remote Workers Need to Know About Circle Hub

By hubeditor | March 20, 2024
If you’re a remote worker based in California and have been looking to make the move to a coworking space, you’ve probably come across Circle Hub in your search. You’re not alone – our coworking spaces have recently been attracting…
people coworking

How a Coworking Space Can Foster Creativity and Connections

By hubeditor | March 15, 2024
If you’ve been feeling stuck in a rut when it comes to work lately, a change of scene could be just what you need. Many professionals find that making the move to a coworking space not only fosters creativity and…
man on laptop

7 Strategies to Maximize Your Productivity When Working Remote

By hubeditor | February 29, 2024
It’s easy to see why working remote has become so popular. Not only is this something that more and more people are seeking out for themselves due to the flexibility that it provides, but numerous studies also point to how…
People coworking

The People You’ll Meet in a Coworking Space

By hubeditor | February 20, 2024
One of the reasons why so many people enjoy working from a coworking space is because of the diverse crowd that they’re able to immerse themselves in. Coworking spaces attract people from all walks of life and from every level…
people working

9 Things You Need to Know About Hot Desking

By hubeditor | February 15, 2024
Although hot desking began as a quirky workplace trend, the concept has really taken off in recent years, with this working model clearly now here to stay.  If you’re unfamiliar with the term, hot desking refers to a workspace that…
man walking cowork space

Benefits of Having a Separate Workspace Outside of Your Home

By hubeditor | January 30, 2024
There’s no denying that working from home has its perks, but it comes with many downsides too. This is something that people often don’t realize until they actually start working from home, only to discover that they’re left feeling overly…
woman on laptop

A Guide to Working Remotely: Benefits of a Coworking Space

By hubeditor | January 20, 2024
People often assume that working remotely means working from home and, in many cases, this is exactly how remote workers approach the situation. However, working from home has its fair share of downsides, which is exactly why more and more…
women talking

8 Ways to Raise Workplace Wellbeing at Circle Hub

By hubeditor | January 15, 2024
Workplace wellbeing is a term that’s used to describe one’s physical/mental/emotional health while they’re at work. It’s something that many employers are now striving to improve, with research showing that wellness in the workplace has been linked to soaring productivity…


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