
Boost Your Professional Success With Circle Hub’s Fitness Center

girl stretching

Did you know that signing up for a membership with Circle Hub Ventura gives you access to the on-site fitness center at that location?

While it may seem unusual for a coworking space to have its own gym, we’ve done this for a reason…

Multiple studies point to how the fitter you are, the greater your professional success will be. Making time to exercise regularly doesn’t just benefit your body – it will also boost your productivity in a significant way. How? Keep reading as Circle Hub explains…

Exercise is a Great Stress Buster

One of the biggest productivity blockers that people face on a day-to-day basis is stress. In today’s hectic world, stress is pretty much unavoidable. In small amounts, this isn’t a bad thing. It can give you the boost that you need to complete your tasks in a timely manner.

However, the problems begin when stress starts to build up. This can affect you emotionally, physically, and cognitively. Learning how to manage stress is crucial if you’re hoping for professional success, and this is something that Circle Hub’s fitness center can help with.

Indulge in a quick workout and you’ll be encouraging your body to release stress-relieving hormones. This will help to balance out all of the cortisol, aka the stress hormone, that’s shooting around your body. The result? A calmer mind that’s better equipped to deal with any stressors. 

The way in which exercise promotes resilience helps with this too. You’ll feel more capable of tackling the ups and downs that accompany your regular workday. This means that things that used to stress you out in the past, before you started exercising regularly, will no longer have such a detrimental effect.

Regular Exercise Boosts Mental Health

It’s common knowledge that exercise keeps your physical health in shape. However, did you know that it does the same for your mental health too?

There has been a huge focus on mental health in recent years. Many professionals struggle with this, not placing enough importance on nurturing their mental health until it’s too late. 

This is yet another reason why keeping your body fit and active should be a priority. The endorphins that your body releases whenever you exercise will immediately give your mood a big boost. This then has the knock-on effect of reducing feelings of depression and anxiety. At the same time, your sense of self-esteem will soar!

Experts say that just 10 minutes of brisk walking is enough to have this effect. Ideally, you would do this outdoors since the fresh air would enhance mental health even more. However, if you’re short on time, 10 minutes on the treadmill at the Circle Hub fitness center will do the job just as well!

Exercising Increases Energy Levels

woman holding weights

Many people assume that a workout, even a quick one, will leave them tired and sapped of energy. It’s easy to understand why they feel this way because exercise often leaves people exhausted, especially if the workout was strenuous.

However, in actuality, exercising can give your energy levels a boost. Several studies point to a strong link between the two. They’ve found that exercising causes certain cellular-level changes in the body, which allow the body to use its energy more efficiently. The endorphins released when a person exercises help with this too.

Exercise Can Enhance Creativity

If you’ve been in a creative slump lately, regular exercise could be just what you need to turn things around. Again, this is something that has been backed up by research, with studies showing that there is a direct link between physical fitness and creativity levels.

These studies have found that active individuals are able to come up with better ideas, as well as more of them, compared to professionals who lead a more sedentary lifestyle. This is partly why the Circle Hub fitness center is so popular around midday. A quick workout will help to refresh you creatively, enabling you to bring all of your best ideas to the table afterward!

Group Fitness Activities Build Trust in Teams

Although many people exercise on their own, exercising can be done as a group too. Not only can this be more enjoyable on a social level but it can also contribute to professional success.

How? By giving you the opportunity to strengthen your interpersonal skills. Team building, communication, collaboration, and camaraderie all thrive in a fitness-related group setting. Exercise with your teammates and you’ll develop a much stronger bond and sense of unity, which will translate into the work that you do together.

How does this relate to Circle Hub’s fitness center? Well, in addition to providing the usual gym equipment, Circle Hub also hosts group yoga sessions. Members are able to attend these free of charge, making them a popular way to meet new people, do some team bonding, and get fit all at the same time!

Regularly Exercising Can Improve Your Time Management Skills

If you have a particularly heavy workload, there’s a good chance that, like many other professionals, you’ll skip the regular exercise in favor of having more time to get your work done. After all, even though exercising is beneficial when it comes to professional success, it takes time away from your working day.

While this may be true, it’s quite a short-sighted view. Sure, you may need to use some of your work time to exercise but, in the long run, this can actually help to improve your time management skills. 

How? By encouraging discipline. Prioritize exercise as part of your daily routine and you’ll soon notice that you become more accomplished at scheduling your workday. This will soon translate into your work, making you better at handling multiple tasks and meeting tight deadlines.

Exercising Helps to Regulate Sleep Patterns

woman sleeping

You’re probably aware of how important it is to get plenty of quality sleep. After all, even a small amount of sleep deprivation can be extremely detrimental to your professional success. It will affect everything from your energy and vitality to your focus and concentration.

If you have trouble sleeping at night, spending some time at Circle Hub’s fitness center could help to solve this problem. Research confirms that physical activity encourages quality sleep in a big way. In fact, even a moderate level of exercise can extend the deep sleep stage of your sleep cycle. This is when your body really rejuvenates, leaving you feeling ready to take on the day once you wake up!

Exercise Sharpens Memory and Focus

Memory and focus are both big parts of professional success. After all, if you’re constantly forgetting things and are unable to fully concentrate on a task, you’re not going to get very far in the professional world!

Once again, this is something that regular exercise can help with. This is partly down to how exercising reduces stress and improves sleep. Both can help with memory and focus.

However, exercising also leads to physiological changes in the body. This includes the growth of new cells and blood vessels in the brain, which sharpens both memory and concentration. 

Staying Fit Enhances Confidence

Of course, professional success isn’t solely about energy levels, sleep patterns, and healthy brain cells. Confidence also plays a huge role in this. The more confident you are as a person, the more motivated you’ll be to take on new challenges and seize opportunities that could help to advance your career. Confidence also enables you to better respond to conflict while improving your communication skills. 

There are plenty of methods out there that could help you to boost your confidence but exercise is one of the most effective. Research confirms a strong correlation between exercising and self-esteem. This alone could be enough to significantly boost your confidence and lead you to professional success!

The Best Exercises for Boosting Professional Success

people treadmill

Wondering what type of exercises would be best if you’re hoping to experience all of the benefits discussed above?

It doesn’t necessarily need to be anything intense. Low-intensity aerobic exercises, such as walking, jogging, and step aerobics, tend to be more accessible and less intimidating. These are great exercises to start with if you’re not already an active person. Plus, they can all be done in Circle Hub’s fitness center!

Strength training exercises have also been shown to increase productivity. The way in which these exercises make you stronger can also boost confidence and self-esteem faster than other forms of exercise.

Either way, try to pick exercises that you genuinely enjoy doing. If exercising feels like a chore, you’re far less likely to do it regularly. 

Integrating Exercise Into Your Workday

Still think that you don’t have time to regularly exercise?

With Circle Hub’s fitness center, you don’t need much time. Having an on-site gym at your coworking space makes it so convenient to squeeze in a quick workout. 

It can also help to prioritize your workouts by scheduling them into your daily routine. Block out some time for exercise on your calendar as this will make you much more likely to stick to your new fitness goals. 

Many professionals choose to exercise first thing in the morning. Sure, this may mean getting out of bed a little earlier but you won’t have to stress about making time for exercise throughout the rest of the day. This will also set you up well for the rest of the day when it comes to mental clarity, focus, creativity, and more.

Finally, arranging to exercise with a friend or a work colleague can really help. It makes you more accountable, meaning that you’re less likely to skip your planned workout. It can also make exercising feel even more enjoyable!

Increase Your Professional Success With Circle Hub’s Fitness Center

As you can see, exercising can do great things for your professional success. This is why we felt that it was important to integrate a fitness center into our coworking space. Make the most of this opportunity and not only will you soon find yourself physically and mentally healthier, but your working life should drastically improve too!

Want to know more about the coworking spaces available at Circle Hub? Click here to book a tour today!

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