One of the reasons why so many people enjoy working from a coworking space is because of the diverse crowd that they’re able to immerse themselves in. Coworking spaces attract people from all walks of life and from every level of business. This means that, in some ways, you never know who you’re going to meet.
At the same time, attend a coworking space for long enough and you’ll soon start to familiarize yourself with the different types of people that you’ll encounter. From creatives to corporates, join Circle Hub as we take a closer look at some of the people that you could end up having the pleasure of meeting at a coworking space.
Small Business Owners and Startups
Establishing a base can be difficult for startups and small businesses. They’ve outgrown working from home but, at the same time, having to fork out for a private office space would take a huge chunk out of their budgets. Not only would they have to cover the monthly lease for however long their contract dictates, but they would also need to pay for several overheads. From electricity and WiFi to office furniture and decor, all of this can send costs soaring for a small business with limited finances.
This is why more and more startups and small business owners have been favoring coworking spaces. It gives them access to a professional, fully-equipped workspace for a fraction of what they would have spent on a private office. They simply pay a monthly membership fee for each person on their team. Then, they can all use the space together. There aren’t any long-term contracts involved either. This enables them to easily scale up or scale down whenever they please. Plus, some coworking spaces, such as Circle Hub, also have private office facilities that are perfect for a small business. These can be booked by the hour, making them ideal for a casual team meeting or a brainstorming session.
Many assume that large corporations don’t make use of coworking spaces. After all, the majority of them have offices of their own. However, there’s a new trend in town, with a number of multinationals choosing to establish teams in coworking spaces. Why? Because it enables them to better distribute their workforce, placing them in areas that aren’t near their original HQ. From Microsoft to Facebook to Starbucks, these big names are now becoming more and more prevalent at coworking spaces around the world.
This is helped by the fact that many coworking spaces offer additional facilities, in addition to shared working areas. For example, the corporates who work at Circle Hub are always appreciative of our conference rooms. Again, just like our private offices, these can be rented by the hour. They’re perfect for larger teams that need to host a get-together. The flat-screen TV that each room is kitted out with is also ideal for connecting with HQ on a video call.
Digital Nomads
The term ‘digital nomad’ refers to a remote worker who has chosen to live a nomadic lifestyle. Rather than settling down in one location, they frequently travel, working while they’re on the go. In some cases, all they need is a laptop and a WiFi connection. However, others need a base that they can occasionally make use of, which is where a coworking space comes in.
The way in which coworking has rapidly risen in popularity means that there are now coworking spaces all over the world for digital nomads to take advantage of. In some cases, signing up with a coworking space at one location enables people to then make use of that company’s coworking spaces in other locations. As you can imagine, this provides great value for money. With Circle Hub, you’ll have two locations to choose from. One is in Ventura and the other is in Northridge. This makes us perfect for digital nomads who are traveling around California!
Start working at a coworking space and you’ll likely come across a few individuals that are keen to meet you as soon as possible. They make it their business to get to know as many members as possible. This is why they’re often referred to as networkers.
A coworking space in general is a fantastic place to network. You’ll be in close proximity to people from so many different industries. This makes it so easy to make some new professional contacts. Plus, once you’re acquainted with these networkers, not only will you be able to add them to your professional network but they’ll also be in the know about the other members that you should meet. They’ll be able to make all of the right introductions. This will make your own networking efforts much simpler!
While the networkers of a coworking space tend to be quite extroverted in nature, introverts sit at the other end of the scale. They find it much harder to reach out and speak to others. However, this is exactly why a coworking space is so perfect for them.
At a coworking space, an introvert can choose between tucking themselves away in a cozy corner and getting their work done quietly or seating themselves in the center of a buzzing group of people, where they’ll soon be drawn into conversation. This can really help to stave off the sense of loneliness that introverts sometimes experience. Plus, many coworking spaces, including Circle Hub, will have a community manager on hand. They’ll help to ensure that everyone feels comfortable. Even the most introverted person will find it much easier to broaden their horizons and meet new people when they have a community manager helping to make the right introductions.
Meeting any of the people that we’ve described so far, from the networkers to the corporates, would be of benefit to just about everyone. However, there’s one group of people that you may want to avoid at a coworking space, especially if you’re hoping to be as productive as possible.
Procrastinators, meaning people who are constantly putting off the tasks that need to be done, can be quite a distraction. They’ll often seek out distractions themselves as a way to avoid their workload. However, this can be detrimental to the other people who end up caught up in this. If you’re at a coworking space and happen to fall into conversation with someone who seems to be procrastinating, politely extract yourself from that situation so that you don’t end up harming your own focus and flow.
A coworking space is a fantastic place for a creative to work from. Sure, many creatives prefer a more isolated environment, but this doesn’t work for everyone. Instead, others find that being a part of a larger community helps to keep them inspired and motivated. This enables them to really draw on their creative skills.
At Circle Hub, we try to nurture creativity as much as possible. Our coworking spaces are decked out to be bright, fresh, and colorful. From the motivational slogans on our walls to the potted plants that add some lush greenery, we’ve made sure that our coworking spaces never feel stagnant or dull.
Early Birds
The great thing about many coworking spaces is that they’re open 24/7, Circle Hub included. While some people still choose to follow 9-5 hours, others make the most of this flexibility, choosing to work at times when they’re at their best.
Head into a coworking space in the early hours of the morning and you’ll likely find a few early birds who have already been there for a while. They tend to be very appreciative of the free coffee that’s available at Circle Hub. This gives them the caffeine boost that they need to speed through their workload. Sure, anyone can come in early and get to work but you’ll likely find that it tends to be the same group of people that watch the sunrise come up from their desks.
Night Owls
On the other end of the spectrum is the night owl. Unlike the early bird, who wants to get working at the crack of dawn, night owls prefer to head into a coworking space in the evening. They then spend the dark hours of the night getting their work done.
The downside to being a night owl is, as studies have confirmed, the poor diet and lack of exercise that often accompanies this lifestyle. However, a good coworking space, such as Circle Hub, will help you to put things right. Not only do we regularly host free breakfasts that will set you up well for the day, but we also have an on-site fitness center that our members are free to use.
Gym Enthusiasts
Speaking of our fitness center, another group of people that you’ll likely meet at a coworking space is gym enthusiasts. They tend to flock to coworking spaces that offer a well-equipped on-site gym, just like Circle Hub. This makes it so easy to squeeze a workout, or a few workouts, into their day.
Gym enthusiasts are often focused in a way that other people aren’t. Not only are they committed to getting their work for the day done, but they also need to make time for the gym. Unlike other people, who tend to only head to the gym if they have some spare time, exercising is a priority for a gym enthusiast. This happens to be extremely beneficial. Research shows that not only does regular exercise improve your health, but it can give your productivity a big boost too!
As you can see, coworking spaces are filled with such a diverse group of individuals. In your regular day-to-day life, you may not have had the opportunity to meet all of these people, which is what helps to give a coworking space its vibrant and dynamic ambiance. The good news is that whichever categories you happen to fall in, you’ll be able to meet other like-minded people at a coworking space while also expanding your professional and social networks in a big way.
Want to find out more about the coworking spaces available at Circle Hub? Click here to book a tour today!