
8 Tips for Making the Most of Your Coworking Space

cowork space

A coworking space can be such a dynamic and inspiring environment, offering up so many benefits to both individuals and businesses. However, if you’re new to coworking, there can be a lot to take in to start with. If you want to be your most productive self, you need to ensure that you’re truly making the most of your coworking space so that you can get as much out of it as possible.

How do you do that? Read on as Circle Hub shares eight tips!

1) Choose the Right Workspace for Your Tasks Each Day

Most coworking spaces will have a variety of different workspaces on offer. This is the beauty of coworking – you can pick and choose where you sit and work each day. Ideally, your choice should align with your agenda for the day. There will likely be days when you want to immerse yourself in a vibrant environment, making the communal working areas (known as Hot Spots at Circle Hub), perfect. 

However, there may also be times when you want to work in more isolated surroundings. At Circle Hub, some of our shared workspaces are nestled into quiet corners. Our Designated Desk service will enable you to pre-book your preferred seat in advance to guarantee its availability for when you need it. 

If you need even more seclusion because you’re working on something confidential, our private office suites will give you plenty of privacy. Our offices vary in size, with the smallest designed for just one person. They can be rented by the hour, making them very cost-effective. Book one for however long you need it before heading back to our shared workspaces once you’re done.

Picking the right environment for the tasks that you’re currently working on will go a long way in maximizing how much you benefit from your coworking space.

2) Take Regular Breaks

woman stretching

Although a coworking space is very different from a traditional office, there are a couple of small similarities. One of these is that you’ll still be in a working, office-like environment, meaning that you’ll probably be looking forward to completing all of your tasks for the day so that you can enjoy some downtime. 

However, if this means spending hours at a time at your desk, you’ll only compromise your productivity. It may seem hard to believe at first, but taking regular breaks can actually be extremely beneficial! Research shows that regular breaks not only boost productivity but also enhance creativity while improving physical health. They help to re-energize a person, enabling them to return to their tasks with a fresh mindset. 

What should you do while you’re taking a break? Once again, make the most of your coworking space! At Circle Hub, this could mean treating yourself to some of the complimentary refreshments in our kitchen area or indulging in a battle in our gaming room. You could also opt for a quick workout at our onsite gym. All of this will also contribute to minimizing stress and increasing productivity.

3) Minimize Distractions

A good coworking space won’t be overly distracting. Instead, there’ll be a community manager on hand to ensure that distractions are kept to a minimum and that everyone is adhering to coworking etiquette (more on this soon!).

However, if you’re easily distracted, this may not be enough for you. So, it’s up to you to then take things further to ensure that whatever is happening around you doesn’t detract from your workflow. 

How? To start with, find a desk in the corner of a shared workspace, rather than right at the center. Many coworking spaces will also offer quiet zones where noise levels need to be kept even lower. 

Ear plugs can also be great for blocking out surrounding sounds. Headphones can sometimes be even better because these tend to be a universal coworking signal that you don’t want to be disturbed. 

Of course, some of your distractions will come from your own devices. Emails, social media notifications, and more can quickly draw your attention away from your work. To ensure that you’re able to fully concentrate when you’re at your coworking space, consider temporarily turning these notifications off.

4) Adhere to Coworking Etiquette

You don’t want to be distracted when you’re working at a coworking space, so it goes without saying that the other people around you won’t want to be distracted either. This is where coworking etiquette comes into play.

These unwritten rules are, in large part, common sense, yet many still need to be reminded of them. It all starts with noise – keep this to a minimum! If you need to take a phone call, consider stepping away from your desk and heading to a communal area. The same applies to video calls, although our private offices may be better suited to these.

Cleanliness is also important when coworking. The general rule of thumb is to leave your space as you found it, meaning clean and clutter-free. You wouldn’t want to waste time having to tidy up someone else’s mess when you arrive at your coworking space so don’t expect others to do the same. At Circle Hub, we have a cleaning crew to keep everything sparkling but it’s still up to our members to ensure that this is maintained when they leave their desks.

5) Don’t Be Afraid to Personalize Your Workspace Each Day

woman working

Coworking spaces are known for providing a clean and clutter-free environment. However, this can sometimes make your individual workspace feel a bit sterile. With no personal belongings around, some people find it difficult to settle.

If this is the case for you, don’t be afraid to add a couple of personal touches to your workspace. Sure, you’ll have to clear this all away once you’re done for the day but a small potted plant and a photo of your loved ones, or perhaps even just your favorite mug, won’t take long to tidy up. 

The advantage to having these items around is that they can make you feel more comfortable, not to mention inspired. Surround yourself with things that make you smile and you’ll feel much happier throughout the day. 

6) Introduce Yourself to Other Members

For an extrovert, a coworking space can be extremely enjoyable. After all, there are so many people around to talk to! However, for an introvert, this can seem a little daunting. Many choose to keep to themselves. Although this isn’t a problem in any way, it means that you won’t be making the most of your coworking space.

How? Because coworking spaces are great for networking. That’s one of the biggest advantages of working at a coworking space. You’ll be surrounded by such a diverse group of people with so many different skills. Just a quick conversation could open up so many doors for your career. 

Hate starting up a conversation with strangers? Again, there are ways around this. At Circle Hub, our community manager will be able to help make introductions. We also host events that are free for our members to attend. These are informal gatherings, such as yoga sessions or breakfasts. It tends to be much easier to speak to new people in a casual setting, which is exactly what our events provide!

7) Contribute to the Community

It can sometimes take a while to adapt to a new working environment, but this isn’t usually the case when it comes to a coworking space. Why? Because the sense of community tends to be very strong at a good coworking space, meaning that new members quickly feel settled. 

This is something that you’ll benefit from when you first join a coworking space. It’ll make it much easier to meet new people, make new contacts, gather tips, and learn all about this new and exciting space. 

However, after a while, it will be time for you to give back to the community. You’ll soon be a seasoned coworking space member who will be able to contribute to enhancing the coworking community. 

8) Establish a Routine

Coworking spaces often seem appealing because of how flexible they are. There’s no denying that this is a huge advantage. Being able to come and go as you please means that you’ll be able to set your own working hours. Some coworking spaces, such as Circle Hub, even offer 24/7 access! 

However, this doesn’t mean that you should throw the idea of a routine out the window. One of the best ways to make the most of a coworking space is to properly plan out your day and establish a routine that enables you to work to your full potential.

How will this help? Because, sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up in all that is going on around you at a coworking space. This doesn’t necessarily mean distractions, but you could find yourself lingering too long in the common areas while chatting to other members, or over-indulging on all of the various amenities that are available.

With a pre-planned schedule, you’re much more likely to stay on track throughout the day. By all means, set aside time for breaks and socializing but make sure that you’re giving yourself enough time to work too. With a good routine, you’ll be able to make use of your time, as well as your coworking space, so much more effectively.

Coworking at Circle Hub

At Circle Hub, we want to see our members thrive. This is why we encourage them to truly make the most of all that is on offer. Between our various workspaces, relaxing common areas, wide range of amenities, fun community events, and diverse group of members, you’ll soon find that our coworking spaces help to bring out your very best.

If you’d like to see Circle Hub’s coworking spaces for yourself, click here to book a tour today!

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