
Blog (page 10)


Woman at work

10 Ways Circle Hub Can Help Boost Your Productivity

By hubeditor | April 30, 2022
There are days when you just don’t feel like working. Let’s face it — almost every single workday is a battle between actually working and lazing around for a few extra minutes in bed. Sometimes, this is due to burnout,…
People in coworking space

6 Reasons to Run Your Business from a Coworking Space

By hubeditor | March 30, 2022
Working from 9 to 5 isn’t as stylish as it once was back in the day. Today, young working professionals are all about flexible working styles. They prioritize a balance between their daily grind and personal life, and take breathers…
CircleHub event space

The Perfect Event Space for Any Occasion

By hubeditor | March 15, 2022
Anyone in the world of corporate and public relations can tell you that events management is one of the most stressful and most demanding jobs out there. You have to plan programs, manage guest lists, contact suppliers — and that’s…
People at work

The Importance of an Enjoyable Work Space

By hubeditor | February 28, 2022
When you’re working a full-time job, it’s important that you like the environment you’re in. Think about it. Employees spend most of their day at an office where they’re expected to punch in eight or more hours and get all…
Woman working from home

Is a Virtual Office the Next Step for Your Business?

By hubeditor | February 15, 2022
Many business owners believe that once their company gets a swanky building or office floor of their own (preferably with a gorgeous corner office all to themselves), their brand has made it big. But leasing an office space can cost…
Coworkers talking about the benefits from a coworking community

How Would a Coworking Community Benefit You?

By hubeditor | January 30, 2022
We don’t know about you, but we are feeling quite optimistic about the upcoming year. Hopefully, the pandemic will come to an end, or at least some new, less dangerous variants will come to be, so there will be less…
Man at coworking space

Coworking in 2022: What Changes Can We Expect to See?

By hubeditor | January 15, 2022
Coworking has been changing at such a rapid rate lately. It’s no surprise that many have been left wondering what to expect from coworking in 2022. Is this still going to be the way forward for so many? Stick with…
California industrial space

How to Find the Perfect Industrial Space in California

By hubeditor | December 30, 2021
So, you are over the moon because your business has really started to take off. But soon you realize that increase in your product demand means expanding your production and storage facilities. And that means that you need to be…
Street in Ventura

Choosing a Location for Your Business: 7 Top Tips

By hubeditor | December 15, 2021
Choosing a location for your business is one of the single most important tasks you have to do. Not to sound too serious or anything, but it will make or break your business opportunity. Picking the right location can rocket…
Woman at onsite fitness center on treadmill

Why It’s Worth Choosing a Coworking Space With an Onsite Fitness Center

By hubeditor | November 30, 2021
When you are thinking about shifting to coworking, the main question is finding the perfect workplace for you. With so many different co-shared office spaces now available, choosing between them isn’t always easy. Coworking companies are trying to one-up each…