
Blog (page 7)


Man at desk

The Extra Benefits of Hot Desking That No One Tells You About

By hubeditor | August 30, 2022
When you work in a traditional office building, it can sometimes feel like you’re living the same days over and over again. You’re stuck in a small, dreary cubicle all day only to go home, sleep, wake up, and end…
Co working space with 24/7 access

Is It Important to Have a Co-Working Space with 24/7 Access?

By hubeditor | August 15, 2022
After two full years of almost everyone working from home, people have grown accustomed to their less uptight, casual workday. Instead of waking up two hours early to get your hair done and going on a long commute to the…
Video production space in Ventura

Need a Video Production Space in Ventura? Here’s How Circle Hub Can Help

By hubeditor | July 30, 2022
In the age of TikTok, Instagram, and all things social media, it’s important for businesses and personalities to be noticed. If you’re not relevant, you’ll likely drown in a sea of smaller yet trendier brands making waves online. That’s why…

6 Hot Desking Benefits to Consider When Choosing a New Workspace

By hubeditor | July 15, 2022
Decades ago, any employee would tell you that what will get you far in life is hard work and structure. But the modern Millennial professional knows that, nowadays, you can’t achieve success, work-life balance, and longevity in your career without…
Woman working on laptop

How Does Circle Hub Boost Professional Productivity?

By hubeditor | June 30, 2022
Showing up to work each day doesn’t necessarily mean being a lean, mean working machine from 9 to 5. There are days when you feel slow and lethargic, like you’re in a slump. The work you do comes out half-baked.…
Video meeting

How to Get Ready for a Video Meeting

By hubeditor | June 15, 2022
Coming to a meeting unprepared is the worst. Whether it’s forgetting what to say in one slide of your PowerPoint presentation or having to jump in and out of a call because of choppy internet, a rough video meeting can…
Meeting room

The Top 8 Benefits of Meeting Rooms

By hubeditor | May 30, 2022
It’s undeniable that working remotely has had a huge impact on how people run their businesses. But while many offices and employers are still flexible enough to run a work-from-home scheme, in-person meetings are making a comeback. Face-to-face interactions are…
Woman working at desk

How to Find the Perfect Workspace

By hubeditor | May 15, 2022
It’s fun working remotely. You don’t have to brave 7AM traffic to go into a stuffy office each day, or stress about clocking in too late because of it. You get the freedom you want to choose where you want…
Woman at work

10 Ways Circle Hub Can Help Boost Your Productivity

By hubeditor | April 30, 2022
There are days when you just don’t feel like working. Let’s face it — almost every single workday is a battle between actually working and lazing around for a few extra minutes in bed. Sometimes, this is due to burnout,…
People in coworking space

6 Reasons to Run Your Business from a Coworking Space

By hubeditor | March 30, 2022
Working from 9 to 5 isn’t as stylish as it once was back in the day. Today, young working professionals are all about flexible working styles. They prioritize a balance between their daily grind and personal life, and take breathers…


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