
9 Amenities to Look for in a Coworking Space

Coworking space

Finding the perfect workspace isn’t all about location or how modern the interior design of the space looks. Sure, those things are of the utmost importance, but they don’t really affect how you work.

Aside from where the space is and how comfy you are in it, you also need to crack down on what kinds of amenities the coworking space has to offer. These are what matter the most when it comes to how productive you’ll be in the long run should you choose to work at the space.

There are a bunch of amenities to look for in a coworking space, like technology that will make working all day a breeze or areas you can go to if you want to take a break from your tasks. They ensure you have an enjoyable workspace, which leads to better job satisfaction and professional productivity.

But what exactly are these amenities to look for in a coworking space? Circle Hub is about to tell you – read on for nine amenities that you need to add to your checklist.

24/7 Access to the Workspaces

Woman working at night

The first of the nine amenities to look for in a coworking space is 24/7 access to the coworking space. It’s one of the key things we make sure we’re able to provide to the Circle Hub community.

Flexibility has become such a huge thing for the modern professional. People are understanding the importance of being able to work at a time that is comfortable for them, not just when the office dictates. Working flexible hours has become one of the most important factors for job satisfaction.

Some people can be more productive when they get up at six in the morning and chug a coffee. Meanwhile, others may think and perform better at work if they sleep in during the day and start working on their tasks in the afternoon or evening.

So, look for a coworking space that allows you to come in whenever you want — even very early or extremely late at night. Having the freedom to come in and work at your own time and pace works wonders for curbing fatigue and unnecessary stress. So, it’s an amenity you shouldn’t sleep on.

High-Speed WiFi for a Smoother Work Day

Next on our list of amenities to look for in a coworking space is one of the most obvious, and is probably a non-negotiable for any professional — good internet.

There’s nothing more important to a business owner or freelancer than being connected. There are always emails to catch up on, files to be sent to a client, and people to liaise with to get a project up and running. And for that, you always need steady, reliable WiFi to ensure you can do your tasks without a hitch.

Access to fast WiFi is just one of the ways Circle Hub can help boost your productivity. It’s one of the amenities to look for in a coworking space if your tasks require you to have constant communication with your team.

At Circle Hub, we make it a point to give you high-speed WiFi all day, every day. So, you never have to worry about urgent emails that fail to send or lagging and cutting out during an important video meeting on Zoom.

You can use the internet at our locations on multiple devices as well, so there are no limitations to this amenity. That way, you can be talking to someone on your mobile phone while simultaneously shooting out emails on your laptop.

Conference Rooms for the Occasional Team Meeting

Circle Hub, the best co working space in Northridge

Most people who come to coworking spaces like Circle Hub want a place to sit down, focus, and get their tasks done as efficiently as possible. Workspaces like hot spots in the common areas or designated desks are very popular because of that.

But once in a while, you’ll need to wear your extrovert hat and hold face-to-face meetings with your team to brainstorm ideas or align on the details of your latest project. It can be a hassle to do that in an open space where strangers can hear everything you say and even distract you during your discussion.

So, always look for a coworking space where you can easily book conference rooms. At Circle Hub, our meeting rooms are glass-enclosed for privacy and are spacious enough for medium to large groups. They’re also fully equipped with a flat-screen TV and whiteboard for more dynamic sessions and presentations.

Conference rooms have lots of benefits, from privacy to making a good first impression when you meet a new client. It’s undoubtedly one of the amenities to look for in a coworking space if you need to meet with your teammates a few times a week.

A Virtual Office Service for Mail Handling and an Official Address

If you run a small business and don’t have a professional address of your own (for example, if you run most of your operations from home), you’ll find a virtual office service very beneficial.

A virtual office essentially serves as your official business address. In the case of Circle Hub’s virtual office, you can write off our prime Los Angeles, CA locations as your professional mailing address on your business card, even if you’re working remotely in a small town.

This is a great way for small businesses and startups to appear more reputable and trustworthy, even if they aren’t able to afford to rent an entire office space in the city.

There are also a lot of other essential features of having a virtual office. If you avail of the service, Circle Hub will also take your calls and handle your mail for you. It’s a terrific next step for your business if you want to offload yourself of the hassle of sorting through the work mail that gets to your house every day. That way, you can focus on what really matters — your business.

Kitchen and Break Rooms That Serve Free Refreshments

Circle Hub kitchen

Employee burnout is a big problem in the professional world today. A lot of people take on too many tasks and work tirelessly, so much so that they forget to rest and take breaks in between.

But taking breaks helps keep you mentally healthy even when it’s the peak season for your line of work. Breaks allow you to refresh and re-energize your mind. They enable you to feel more focused and productive when you go back to work. It also makes you commit fewer errors when doing your tasks.

That’s why one of the amenities to look for in a coworking space is a break room. They’re a great way to reduce stress and ensure that you’re protecting yourself from burnout.

At Circle Hub, you can use our break room and kitchen for your lunch hour or any breaks you want to take throughout the day. The best part is that we provide free refreshments, too! Need a coffee or quick snack as a pick-me-up in the middle of a long day? We’ve got you.

A Fitness Center Where You Can Sweat Out the Stress

Another way to reduce stress levels and prevent burnout is by looking for amenities that can boost work-life balance. If you love working out and have been meaning to stay on top of your fitness goals even on work days, you should look for a coworking space with an onsite fitness center — something we have at Circle Hub.

Exercising is an excellent way to relieve some stress on busy days. Not only does it allow you to blow off some steam, but it can also increase your productivity and concentration levels. So if you make incorporate exercise seamlessly into your work schedule, it can boost your professional success.

What’s great about having a fitness center so close to where you work is that you can choose when to hit the gym. You can do it before you work if you want that extra boost of energy before starting your tasks, or do it as a nightcap before heading home.

If you’re finding it hard to squeeze in a workout at the gym on busy work days, a fitness center is definitely one of the amenities to look for in a coworking space.

Warehouse Services for Your Physical Goods


If you have a business that deals with physical goods, one of the amenities to look for in a coworking space is a warehouse. That way, where you work doubles as an industrial space too!

A warehouse is a place you can store your products until a customer places an order for them. Sure, you can keep your products where you run your business, like in your house. But after a while, you likely won’t be able to handle the demands of storing so many products, and you’ll need a bigger space.

We have a huge warehouse space at Circle Hub’s Northridge location that you can use for your convenience. It comes with flexible contract terms and an on-site forklift for when you need to transport big boxes of your goods. Much like the workspaces, you get 24/7 access to the warehouse.

The warehouse service is just one of the things that makes Circle Hub the best coworking space in Northridge!

An Event Space for Social Gatherings and Seminars

Meanwhile, at the Ventura location, we have another kind of unique amenity — one that you’ll find useful if you love holding events for your company.

The Circle Hub event space is a must for events like seminars or social parties. It’s 1,500 square feet big, so it’s ideal for medium-sized events of 130 people seated or 170 standing. The friendly size makes it the perfect event space for any work occasion, whether it’s a workshop or a socials night for your team.

When you hold an event in our space, you get access to the kitchen for the food that is going to be served. You’ll also work with our in-house event coordinator to make sure your event goes as smoothly as possible.

Production Spaces for Creating Social Media Content

Video production space - one of the amenities to look for in a coworking space

Lastly, if you’re a content creator or freelance photographer, make sure the coworking space you choose has a production space where you can shoot the best photos and videos possible. This is a must-have for social media managers and vloggers!

The Circle Hub production spaces can be found in our Ventura location. There are indoor and outdoor spaces, depending on what content you want to make. Each one has lots of natural light that can make your content look gorgeous!

The areas are fully furnished with modern interior design for that visual aesthetic. Shooting in these spaces is an awesome way to bring something new to your content.

But you can also use the spaces for more functional shoots, like taking headshots for the company or beefing up your resumé.

Another cool thing about working at these production spaces is that you will have access to the rest of Circle Hub’s workspaces if you need them. So, for example, if you’re working with a team that you have to brief about the project before the actual shoot, you can book a conference room for a quick huddle.


A prime location and versatile workspace options are some of the first things anyone looks for when hunting for the perfect coworking space. But don’t forget to make a checklist of amenities as well that you know will make your coworking experience that much more productive and fulfilling.

You need the basics that will allow your business to flourish, like high-speed internet and services like warehousing and a virtual office. But you should also keep an eye out for ones that will give you a semblance of work-life balance and proper rest, like a fitness center and break room.

Although amenities aren’t the be-all and end-all of a coworking space, they’re important points to consider when choosing one. And there are tons of amenities to look for in a coworking space — just make sure you know which ones from the list above are non-negotiable for you.

Want to check out all the amenities we have to offer at Circle Hub? Book a visit with us today!

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